One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
— Virginia Woolf



Hello, you can call me Deb or Debs.

I’m a girl about the city. I grew up in SoCal but have since lived across the states, Hong Kong and Singapore. I love city life. I recently moved to the Bay Area after living in Hong Kong for a little over 4 years. I've traveled to 15+ countries and 40+ cities. 

I've started countless blogs but due to the nature of my previous jobs, I've rarely had time to share my love for food, fashion, travel, and life. 

I love to eat, hang out with friends, and shop until I drop. I plan all of my trips around eating. If you’re wondering how ALWAYSDTE came about it’s because no matter what mood I’m in…I’m always down to eat. My friends and family tend to make fun of me because I can’t hold a grudge for the life of me. I could be upset, mad, or angry, but as soon as you invite me to food, I forget everything. I’ve been allergic to shiitake mushrooms my entire life but within the last year I’ve become somewhat tolerant.

I hope this blog inspires you to explore new food, places, and things your heart may desire. Feel free to leave a comment, follow me on social media, or contact me! 
